I’m not an actual cult leader (phewf – that would be awkward), but I am an evil genius a mastermind at two very specific things: Developing personal brands and unique style for highly visible leaders so they can raise their profiles and represent their value and perspective with confidence. And...Helping lifestyle brands build cult-like followings so they can take their signature offering from “sampled” to “staple” with the sales to match.
I help lifestyle brands foster intimate, genuine connections that move customers from brand discovery to purchase to raving fan.
I help highly visible leaders represent their personal brand on stage, on video, in meetings, and in photos with the confidence, consistency, and quality that they are known for.
The two segments of my business began in tandem when I was doing my MBA I decided to go into advertising (not one of the usual flavours of business school Kool-Aid… but then again, I’ve always been more of a Negroni lady, myself). What struck me was that you could either over-dress traditional corporate – and lose your personality in the process, or under-dress like it’s Sunday brekkie – and lose credibility and diminish your opportunities for visibility and growth. The world of work and the importance of personal branding were changing – but even the best business school in the country didn’t know how to approach it.
I did. And – my Alma Mater knew an expert when they saw one.
How it all began...
How it all began...
In fact, while I was working with words and building lifestyle brands in my daytime gigs at Canada’s A-list ad agencies, I spent my evenings learning all things image. Pretty soon, Alma Mater became my first Personal Branding client – and I got my chance to stand at the footlights on the lecturer’s stage!
For almost 20 years across advertising, marketing, retail, and wardrobe styling (AKA I’ve worn many statement-making hats) I’ve built a career of using the tools of wardrobe and words to fully express Personal Brands and create intimate relationships with customers.
What I learned is that – more than anything else about you or your brand – it’s the super luxe, cashmere-cuddly, “you-can-sit-with-us” feeling that your audience gets at every touchpoint with your brand that makes them fall heart-eyes in luuurve with you, become a fan for life – and raise your profile to it’s well-deserved status.
It’s the grosgrain ribbon that ties together the two elements of my work.
Written down, it’s what makes them nod their heads and click that buy button.
Worn on the body, it’s what translates the concept of your personal brand to the IRL experience of you – before you even say a word.
Designed with a keen focus on the chemistry between what your brand represents and what your audience truly wants – great content, written or worn, creates connection that never skips a beat.
Fully engage with your audience to deepen relationships, build an intimate understanding of the types of content that will translate into a loyal customer-base that can’t wait to purchase, recommend, and gift your offerings
Fully express your unique Personal Brand with strategy that honours your inner values and outer attributes in methods that go beyond trends, gimmicks, or stale “standards” and, instead, deeply aligns and leverages your personality, goals, coloring, style, and body with seamless, sophisticated style.
So, whether you’d ready to…
Things are about to get a lot more purposeful, a lot more targeted, a lot more creative – and a lot more FUN!
More layers than a matcha-mocha millefeuille…
Building relationships isn’t only great for you and your customers… you need more than just a strategy whiz, a style maven, and a wicked writer, you need that X-Factor, that chemistry that *snap!* makes the job a game – puts the FUN in functional.
So if you want to get to know the enigma wrapped in a riddle wrapped in sequinned bell bottoms that is Moi – here’s 10 essentials I bet you wouldn’t have guessed.
Psychedelic Rock (denim) + Disco (lamé) + Funk (platform shoes) →
Equals Yours Truly. A product of the era that never goes out of style (disco included), you can expect some references to pop, clink, and fizz into an average “between you and me” email.
The first word I could recognize. Embarrassing, but true. Seriously. I know a deal when I see one, but you, Darling, are full-price worthy.
All about the CTA →
Flexing my ’80s ’tween cosmetic routine – and realizing that my audience needed to receive a marketing message multiple times in order to take action – I requested a teal eyeliner in about 7 camp letters. Result? Teal eyeliner. Yes.
Every day is a good day for a Friends reference →
I’m a Geller combo with a side of Phoebe, and I’m going to want to know which Friend you are too (let’s call it a “Personality Test”, shall we?).
Leopard is my favourite neutral →
If that’s so wrong, I don’t want to be right. It’s not for everyone. More for Moi!
Academic alphabet soup →
That MBA in Marketing? It’s paired back to degree in English and Women’s Studies and a certification in Image Consulting. (I love graduating so much I keep doing it. Also the gowns are faaaabulous and they come with their own accessories.)
As reflective as a gilded mirror →
As a Reflector (in Human Design terms), I have an uncanny ability to understand, experience, and amplify others’ energy. I am a true mirror for my clients allowing you to see your potential as clearly and as brightly as a shiny new, limited edition silver dollar. Other test results? ENFP, The Campaigner, Yellow.
Brunch, high tea, and tapas →
Nibbly noshes and a glass of bubbles let me sample everything. Reflectors (only 1% of the population) “sample” everything too, energy-wise. I get to the bottom of things tout de suite (or, “toot de la fruit,” as Joey Tribbiani says) to relieve the endless contemplation you’ve suffered through.
International Woman of Adventure →
Ask me about that time I had a fight with a monkey (and won), the time two toucans became my version of Snow White’s wake up sparrows, or the time people thought I was a real-life Geisha (the deep compliment of it all!!)
Favourite Superhero →
Wonder Women, obviously. Followed by Miss Piggy. She’s a superhero, right?